Kayran web application scanner helps businesses, SMBs and enterprises, to test their online assets and products against over 30,000+ vulnerabilities.

Kayran’s mission is to democratize access to penetration testing for both smaller and bigger companies, backed by professional cyber security experts with the same vision. 

Let’s make the business world safer, together

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CVEs Currently Detecting
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WordPress Vulnerabilities


Kayran web application vulnerability scanner allows you to scan your web assets against a large pool of vulnerabilities through powerful automation in order to detect security gaps in the most professional, rapid, and cost-effective way


Conduct penetration testing using Kayran’s vulnerability scanner built with powerful automation. Adjust and schedule your scans based on your specific needs and requirements. 


Once the automated scan is completed, learn about your vulnerabilities and use recommendations to stay protected via Kayran’s fully generated report which includes a full description of the detected vulnerabilities and the exploitation process. 


Learn how to reproduce the exploit and repair the vulnerabilities as well as recover from the attack. Verify that your fix worked by rescanning. 

Our Goal

What is Kayran’s main goal

Allow every legitimate entity, even those without the most extensive tech knowledge, to test the security of their web assets using the powerful technology we have developed.


Kayran web scanner identifies over 20,000 vulnerabilities – including CVE's, SQLi, XSS, RCE, RFI LFI, SSRF, and more.

Single Page Application (SPA)

Using a unique method that has been developed by Kayran after more than six months of tests, Kayran's vulnerability web scanner is now the only tool which supports SPA websites.


Kayran web scanner uses new methods and powerful automation to reduce used resources and perform scans at highest speed.


Kayran's web scanner presents an accurate payload of the exploit that was used during our scans, and clear instructions to recreate it.

Ping Us

Kayran is here for you 24/7 to support and assist you in being secure at all times. 

Latest Blog


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Understanding Attackers

Understanding Attackers

Looking in the Attacker’s eyes – There are many ways we can do it. So when we want to achieve the goal of Understanding Attackers,

Automatic report


Receive a full description of vulnerabilities that were found and the exploitation process.


Learn how to reproduce the exploit and recover from the attack by yourself to verify that vulnerabilities do exist. Rescan to make sure your fix has worked.


Use the recommended fixes to patch existing vulnerabilities to avoid exploitation by malicious agents.


Receive a full evaluation of the business cost and the impact of each vulnerability detected during the scan.